about me

Jakub Gemperle

Former Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow in Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research (WTCCMR), Division of Cell Matrix Biology & Regenerative Medicine, University of Manchester, UK, Caswell lab

Currently postdoctoral research associate at Institute of Molecular Genetics (IMG) of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Laboratory of Integrative Biology, Dr. Martin Gregor

​I focus primarily on ovarian cancer cell migration and invasion in 3D-matrix, and on the functions of vesicle trafficking pathways, in particular the endocytic system (Rab11 family GTPases), in controlling cell matrix interactions in cancer.

My key state of the art methods/technologies

  • precise next generation CRISPR based modifications (knock ins)
  • microinjection/cell manipulation using magnets
  • Microchip spheroind invasion assay
  • ...

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